INFINITY is the first Senate event. Just like the name, "Inauguration for Increasing Unity", the main purpose of Infinity is increasing the relationship among the FSMers. I was really anticipated this event before, i was sure the games would be very interesting...
But well nothing's perfect..
All of the participants were divided into 8 groups, with 6-7 members each. From the beginning i was not sure about my own group. I was in Red Team, with Ella as the leader. I am not very close with all of the members, The most closest person is Ella, next is Momo, and how about the other?? not at all.... well, i guessed i would have a little difficult moment to communicate with them. And yes it was.
And the day started...
Again, i didn't enjoy the way to Taman Bunga Nusantara. Something happened, that actually i was really mad for a moment. But i knew i had to control my emotion...
We arrived in Taman Bunga Nusantara... Whoa, there are so much flowers there... The flowers made a great atmosphere! I love flowers!
Every team had a mission there. We were given 10 photos, actually 11 with one as a bonus. What we have to do here is find the exact thing like the ones in the photos, and take a picture of them. We have a time limit for this game, i forgot how much time we had... hehehe... After some minutes plus some few photos, we still have about 5 pictures to go. We went around the park, and found nothing.. I didn't know whether it was only myself worrying about the time? Most of the members still walked, not run? But luckily, we got all the photos right before the time was over.
Then, we were ready for the next mission, the labyrinth! The labyrinth made my spirit grew up... kyaaa... When i was a child i kept dreaming of going in a huge labyrinth.. And the dream comes true.. LOL...
And the most interesting part is, we have to get the rival team's label to get points, beside collecting the flag and looking for the infinity ball inside the labyrinth. It mean that we would have to chase each other.. I was really excited! hahaha... It had been a long time, I didn't run nor chase someone.. But again, only a few of the participants looks very enthusiastic, the other didn't show any interest to this game, including my team members. They successfully tear my spirit away. I felt like i enjoyed this game by myself, I was having fun alone T.T. I had a moment when i was in labyrinth and was trying to find the right way. The silent atmosphere was destroyed by some voices that coming near... We had to keep our label safe, didn't we? Then i did a low-voice-of-scream and run. But my team members kept walking as usual.. Am i too childish?? Was i too influenced with korean variety show? In my mind, i was still thinking about chased and being chased. When we were in the center of the labyrinth, it was the time to look for the infinity ball which was hide somewhere... . Recently, I am a person that easily affected by my own mood. And the condition that time had turn down my mood. If i could draw the graphic of my mood that day, it would be very fluctuative. The other members didn't really search the ball, they thought of giving up. And that's why i was not interested in finding the ball again... We decided to give up and went out from that labyrinth. I was quite sad outside.. We wasted our time for nothing... Yeah it was a game, i don't care about winning, but what made me sad is the fact that i didn't really really "play"....
I love playing such this kind of game..
But the game was still fun.. Although it was not as fun as in my imagination. Hahaha....
I was kinda sleepy now.. Let me continue this later...
*to be continued :p
About Me

- Huank Ai
- ..just call me Ellen.. Everyone knows me as a shy-quiet-ordinary girl... but i am not that shy actually.. I just don't really like to talk ^^
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The Japanese...
The next card is also my favorite.. Inspired by an-unique-ruler-from-my-childhood.. I don't know what do we call that ruler.. I think you might know the ruler. We can draw such graph with that ruler..
Well, i can't post all of the cards, I don't have any photo of the others....
I spent a week to make all the 17s.
No planning before, no much time.. T.T
I am not sure whether they are good enough.
But for sure, I made all of those with all my heart.
How do you think of all those cards above??? Hope you like it too... ^^
Dancing will always be a part of my life! Whenever I listen to a nice song, seems like my whole body wanna move... But sometimes, I can't express it with anyone around. T.T ...
Today, I have a very very unpleasant day. Early in the morning, I have already woken up at 6 AM and I felt very tired and sleepy. I just wanted to lie for a minute in my bed before I really got up. But then, I fallen asleep again! ...
Almost 2 hours later, I woke up again and was very very surprised. It has been almost 8 o'clock. I was still a little bit dizzy, and I remember something, "I would have a test today at 8.10 AM" ... OH NO! I took a bath in a hurry. And get ready in few minutes then hurry to campus... My friend called me and text me, he said that all the students had been come, left only me... Whoaaa.... I ran from the parking park to the third level of Building B, room 339, the class where the test would be hold. Luckily I wasn't late, the test had not been started yet. But unluckily, I didn't have time to review the materials.
And, I didn't eat this morning, and I felt very hungry and dizzy. I usually eat breakfast every day, at least I need to eat something before doing any activities.
Forgot to tell you, "Data communication and Computer Networking" was the subject for the test.
Test started....
First question.. When I read it, I got really confused. "What is this?" When I look at the "hexa" word, I begin to worry. "How can I convert this hexa number to the binary number?" Even I forgot how to convert the hexa to decimal base. Learning from my past exam, I had to move on, or I would spent time useless thinking only about this. I skip the first one, and read the secong one. Again, I didn't know how to find the rate in signal per bit if I knew the bit and the data transmission speed in baud (signal per bit)... I didn't even know the relation of the two, signal and bit...? I mean relation in the formula... OK, skip this too.
Then I chose to read the last question, number five. After reading for a while, I got puzzled. "Argh, just go back to the previous question!" This time I read the third number. Because of the 3 confusing question, I lost my hope, and half of my mind was like saying "Can't, can't, You can't do this!" so that I couldn't concentrate thinking about the answer. I was going to leave the third number and continue to the fourth. But when I looked at the word "hexa", seem like impossible to do it now, I turned back to the third. And the idea of the solution just came up! Finally, i can answer a question. Happy? not yet, 4 question more to go. And honestly I wasn't one hundred percent sure about my answer of the third number.
I tried to remember the hexa-decimal conversion.. hexa, hexa, hexa.. okay then, I did the conversion with my own way, i thought it was right at the first time. I realized that it was wrong when i had half finished computing the result. I knew it was wrong, but what is the right one? Is hexa egual to six? or twelve? or...? skip this...!
Jumped to the fourth question, where hexa was mentioned again. This time I considered hexa as twelve. Done with the fourth, I did the last one. I didn't know whether my answer was right or not, i just wanted to finish this. I had only 10 / 15 minutes more. Number two left. Because of the limited time, I read only some part of the question, and skip the important "key" to solve it. I guessed the wrong answer.
A few minutes left to rethink the unsolved hexa-decimal conversion. The first and the fourth question should be easy if I knew how to convert this hexa based number to binary. how???
About a minute before the time out, i found the confusing conversion in my calculator... Graaa.... I should have known this from the beginning! uh uuuhhh....
Time's up!
Everything was a mistake... T.T
A few hours ago I just knew my result of the final exams, the very unpredictable result. And this is the worst result for this 2 years; and hope it is the worst, there would be no worse than this one
For this semester, I have taken 7 subjects with total of 23 credits. Four subjects of Mathematics, which are Calculus Lanjut II, Real Analysis, Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Statistics. And the last three are Java Programming, Data Structure, and Database System; for the Informatics Technology concentration.
From this seven, I got only one 'A' from the IT subject, Java Prog; two 'A-' for Data Structure and Database System. And I failed in one subject, Mathematical Methods. The other results was not better either. The highest score for the Math subjects is 'B'. How about the others? Guess it...
Since the first semester, I had not ever failed. And I had never gotten 'B' or less, 'B+' used to be the lowest score, and I hoped it is. But now.... my hope disappeared. And I can do nothing now to fix it...
...the beginning
Since the first time I went to this university, I got 50% scholarship. But this percentage could be changed to 100% if I got IP greater than 3.75. Then I thought I will run after this scholarship, which we called it as Platinum Scholarship. Then when I would see the result, I was a little worried that I couldn't get the standard IP (3.75). Okay, but now everything has changed. My main goal is not to get the platinum scholarship anymore, but to maintain my 50% scholarship. Several months ago I was still trying to get more than 3.75, now I'm struggling to achieve more than 3.00.
Until 2 years ago, I was still one of the best in my class. or At least I didn't get any 'C' in my report card... But at the moment, I think I might be the lowest in my class. Hmmm no.. I think I am one of the lowest since the first year... I started to think negatively, that I am not right to be here, I have no potential here, I am not smart enough, then was my "psikotest" really true? ... Day by day I began to lose my confidence, my faith, my hope..
I studied and studied. I did some exercise. I have prayed to Him, I asked for His help. I did everything. I was pretty sure I will get better score than the last one. But what do I get??? What else should I do? Seems like I've done my best.... but...
I have to admit that a part of my heart had given up. The last exams' result had been pulling me down. I had fallen to my own hopelessness. I have tried to stand up, but I don't know, am I completely arise?
Now I realized, all I've been thinking this time is about me and myself. I fell down in the same hole again and again, yeah it's not the first time. Although someone has ever reminded me that I am no one without Him. Yeah, I have no confidence, I am not brave enough, and I am not capable enough, that I really need Him.. I can't do all these things alone.
<Maybe you should remind me again next time>
...the final exams
A week ago was the dead week for me, because I was having the Final Exams. I couldn't even choose which subjects was the scariest one. I was afraid of all the test.
First day >>> Real Analysis, among six, I can't answer 2 questions completely. But I thought I would get at least more than half of the full score. Then Java Programming. I got the best score for this subject on mid exams. But the last test was very very very difficult, as my friend told me. I can't predict my result, but I felt it would be bad because I hadn't finish answer all the questions.
Second day >>> no test at all this whole day. I stayed at home and studied for the next day. I woke up late that day, and I couldn't concentrate studying that morning. I just found my spirit back at the night.. very late...! Two days for studying and I still had to sleep very late, I slept at 3 o'clock and woke up 3 hours later and not finished yet actually.
Third day >>> Two dreadful test, Mathematical Methods (Metmat) and Database System (SBD). Metmat is the worst I thought. Only one question that I was sure to answer it. The other 3? I didn't really know how to do it. Then for a few hours, I forgot everything about Metmat and continue my study of SBD which had not done yet. When I studied together with my friends, there was something I forgot to ask them, although I felt it was important and I really needed to ask. Then yeah, that one thing is written in my SBD question sheet. whoa, I didn't know what is it, but I couldn't let it blank, so I just wrote anything I know in my answer sheet.
Fourth day >>> Calculus test greeted me in the morning. I had a lack of exercise for this subject. When I did the test, my head was completely blank, I couldn't even think right. Even I misunderstood the first question, which I should find the area, but I did look for the volume. The book wasn't not helping me too much either. The next test is Data Structure. Again, I didn't finish studying this subject. Luckily it held in the afternoon at 1.40. Then I had about 3 hours to study. With a little worried, I finished studying in a rush. But in the middle of studying, I got a bad news, the Metmat result! I almost couldn't study at all because of it. But I kept telling myself to focus on Data Structure first.
Fifth day >>> The last day for the last test, Mathematical Statistics (Statmat). If Java was the best score for mid, in the other hand Statmat was the worst one. I mostly afraid with this subject, I hate statistics from the first semester. I did some exercises in the book, but I couldn't done most of them which making me more afraid. Then how 'bout the test? Well, I could smile brightly after this test, it was not as hard as I thought.
...the result
The examinations was over, but my heart kept worrying. I checked SLIM all the time. I made my own prediction, I counted my IP with that prediction. Then, I found out a big possibility of losing my scholarship. Oh No, that could not happen!!! I need an miracle... All support from my friends pushed me to keep my faith. Wait and wait.. One by one the result came out. Until, finally today, I have known all my exams result...
Three subjects result is the same with my own prediction, one is better, and 2 worse. Between the two, one is very unpredictable... But Thanks God, my scholarship is still save..!!! It's only God's grace.. He does not leave me alone, struggle by myself.
Maybe it's the worst for me, but in God it's the best...
I asked Him to give me the best, the best one defined in Him.....
Let it be my stepping stone to improve all..
It is not the end of everything! I still have chance to start over again...
*** I wanted to write a post about my exams since last week, but I thought it would be better if I just wait for the result, that I can tell you a good news.. because I believe He has opened my way to UPH, then He would help me until the end, then He would give me solutions for all my problems here, and it is the solution... ***
Okay, maybe it is not the 'qualified' post, just a little story about what I have been eating today at the Magnum Cafe ... :D
Today, I was having so much fun at Grand Indonesia with my other 3 friends, John, Erick, C Fin... This was the first time I went there.. Hehe...
Hmm our destination was the Magnum Cafe.. For you who haven't known yet, Magnum Cafe is only a temporary cafe. It has opened since February for about 3 months (as I read in news), located in Grand Indonesia West Mall Level 5 Jakarta. As I know, this cafe is always full of customer, so you have to queued to come in. You should choose the right time to go there, so you do not have to wait for a long time. One of my friends had to wait for 2 hours, but it didn't take that long time for me to go in.
There are some choices to eat there. Even though, the main menu is the 'Magnum', but you can find something like Crispy Chicken Wing ( "Flights of Fancy" ), beef steak and fried rice (look at the Royal Feast Menu). But I recommend you the 'Magnum menu', especially if you like the sweet flavor.
I ordered the Brownies Crusade, a pair of brownies with a Vanilla Magnum Stick in the middle of it. Perfect taste, sweet brownies chocolate combined with the milky vanilla.. You should try this! But if you don't really like sweet chocolate, you may not consider it as your choice. If you love the strawberry and the sour taste, you should try the Strawberry Fantasy, which John ate this afternoon. Two magnum ice cream mixed with the strawberry syrup and some cut-pieces of banana.
Then for the normal favor (yeah because it's not too sweet neither too sour..), the Magnum Belgian Waffles Menu, such as the ones my other 2 friends chose, Waffle de Aristocrat. The queen's size for Erick and princess' size for C Fin. The difference between the queen and princess' size is the additional Magnum ice cream for the Queen's.
Here some pics of our choices ... :)
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Brownies Crusade |
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Strawberry Fantasy |
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Waffle de Aristrocat - Queen's Size |
Okay, try those menu by yourself then before it's too late...! wkwkwkwk...
I used to be a shy and passive girl. I did the same routine activities, school, study, practice basket, and many more, but mostly i only focused in my study. I didn't join any organization nor any committee. My zero-percent-of-confidence made me really hard to communicate with others. And maybe that was the reason that they didn't ask me to join any activity. I have ever put an interest of joining such that activity, but my individualism prevented it. I convinced myself that those were useless to join in.
But as I continue to study in universities, I meet many people with different characterization. And I start thinking that I need to learn how to communicate with them well. That's why I decided to try joining the Senate of my faculty last year. For me, that was a big choice. I didn't have any experience, and I didn't know anything about the work of an organization. With 50% confident, I applied to the Senate.
And I was accepted! I was really happy on that time, even I wasn't put in my choice of division. They asked me, which division did i like to join in.. And my answer was the non-academic division. But I couldn't get what I want. I was in Internal Division with the 2 others. Each of us had our job desc. My coordinator would take the Care Motion Project which is our Christmas Celebration. My other friend would organize the FLAT (Family Learning Trip). It was a kind of "makrab" combined with such a learning trip or study tour.
And I... was responsible for the Mading, FOR-FSM, and KOSAN. Mading or "Majalah Dinding" is like an information board which is displayed attractively. FOR-FSM is a forum for the FSM members, which would be held to discuss a big problem related to the faculty, so that we can solve it together. But until now, this forum hadn't been carried out. The last one, KOSAN stand for "Kotak Saran" or the advice box. I had a little problem with this, I didn't get the permission to put it in the faculty office, since then this box was removed. So, my main job is the "Mading".
I didn't very surprise why I got this job desc. I had several times being asked by my friends at school to help them with their a-kind-of-creative projects. But honestly I feel a little bit disappointed with this job. I thought it as a "easy" job. But later, I found it was not easy, especially at the beginning. I didn't really know about the Mading actually. I couldn't imagine how to decorate this information board so that people will read it, or at least look at it. I browsed the internet, but I get none. I did it with my lack of experience and "knowledge" of it. The first time was worst. >.< .. Then I tried and tried to make it more attractive. But I can't deny that I have been very lazy and bored with this job several times that resulted a non maximal mading. But lastly I did very enjoy with this periodic job. I am very happy when people interested to see my mading. I have several pictures to show you...
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These are some tools and materials for Mading |
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Mix result of mading which I still keep until now |
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Valentine's Day - February 2011 |
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Maret 2011 |
I learned a lot from the last period of Senate. As a part of Senate I had to show responsibility that had been entrusted to me. I couldn't just let the Mading away of my daily activity, I have to make it every month even I have so many campus task to do. Then I need to arrange my time and plan a schedule for doing this Senate job. I also learned how to communicate with others. Even until now, I still found a difficulty in communication, but it is better than last years. In my opinion, I haven't give the maximal one from Senate as I haven't get the maximal too. Then I think, I should try once again. Everyone said Senate need you" ( read : 'you' is not only refer to me), but I said "I need Senate". And I apply to the new period which is led by my friend (I am sure he will be a good leader). I have some reasons that encouraged me to join. And happily, I am accepted for this period, my second period then.
But again, I was put in my second priority of division. If last year I chose the "non academic division" for the first one, and internal for the second, then this year I wrote the contradictory one. My first choice is Internal, followed by non academic. Yeah, although I feel a little bit disappointed, but now, I feel better with this decision. I am sure that I am positioned in the right one, just like my last period. Internal division, was the best for me. And maybe for this year, "Academic and non-academic division" is the best for me. Umm I forgot to tell you that the non-academic division has been combined with the academic division. Even I haven't got the full "image" about this division's job yet, I will give the best as I can do. I want to give more impact through this division. Hope I can do well.. ^^
And because we haven't done anything yet, except the first gathering, I can't tell you anything by now... While waiting for the first meeting, I shall think about some ideas first about what should we do through this Academic and non academic division... Do you have any idea? ...
Two weeks from now, I'll meet the final examinations... Huaaaa..... Afraid? yes..! I'll prepare it well right now.. hehehe... And I'm sure Jesus will help me..
And right after the exams week, the start of my long holiday (should be a very loooonnggg holiday)... But I've decided to take the SP ( semester pendek or short semester ). And I am very very very happy because Jesus allowed me to take SP this time. Why did I say "Jesus is allow me" ?
Last year I didn't take the SP. And this year, I might not take it again.. Why? All of because of money! Yeah... I can tell you the detail of my problem, sorry.. hehe...
But this year, He help me.. He give me everything I need, include the money for SP... Thanks God! Love Him so much... He always give us the best on the right time! Even though, He didn't give me last year..
But, I get many positive things for the "delayed SP last year". Since the first semester, I had not taken a class by myself. I had all my Math classmate with me in all of my classes... And I think it makes me a little bit spoiled.. Yeah, I waited for them arrange the schedule, and just follow what they have chosen.. That's what I had done for this long time... hahaha....
And because I didn't take SP, I have to take the class, which they have taken in SP, in my regular semester, ALONE....! I have to arrange all by myself... Ask the schedule and classroom, I did it myself (the first time @ UPH) wkwkwkwk..... And I have to find "friend" in my class... I can be alone for the whole time in class, of course, even I'm shy and quiet, I need to talk... :D And the important one is, I have to find the right group for doing the projects... Because of the "aloneness", I get more friends... I learn to make a new relationship with others.. I learn to communicate with them... I learn to work together with them... I have learned many things!!!
So, in every condition that happened in your life, you can always find the good-positive things... Maybe you didn't realize it, but I think everything that has happened was the best for you from HIM... ^^
SP... SP... SP... I'm coming now... hahaha... Go away the "laziness"...! I need to take this SP... bye 3 months of holiday... ( Whereas I have plan so many things to do in my holiday ... T.T ) I won't throw away this rare chance... ^^ ....
wow... it's been a long time since i wrote my last post.... haha...
i've been very very busy, studying and doing some exercise.. (honestly, i spend many time too to "having fun" lol)
Did I told you what major do I take in university? ... I take Mathematics and also Informatics Tech. (the double degree program). I like both of them, Math and Computers.
I have ever dreamed to be a hacker... haha.... Even my dad had bought me some books about hacking, which I read only some pages in only one book.. hehehe.... he gave me about 7 books (as i remember)...
So, when I knew that UPH has the double degree program between Math and Computers, i was very excited. I can study both of them together.... yeah, i didn't think about difficulties i'll face.. I just loved them... ^^ And now I'm in the 4th semester (second year), and the material get harder and harder. huaaa.... >.<
This semester I take 3 class of the IT, which are data structure, database system, and java programming... All of them are related to "coding" ... yeah, coding is the life of computer...
I love "coding", but sometimes I am not... haha... when i have to make the complex sourcecode, I am easily being stressfull. but I am really enjoy "coding" when I can think about the right code... Even i can' stop "coding" sometimes (i mean until the code is finish)... and i'll be so happy when i run my own program, it's so satisfying... haha...
but i think, all human will feel it tooo.... not just me, and not just when we do the "coding" activities...
but I'll be so stressful when I stuck with the sucks sourcecode.... wkwk...
like now.. i don't know how to continue my code... T.T
hope i get some idea tomorrow... ^^
just try again tomorrow...
whatever the difficulty of it, but i still like "coding" .... :)
what i wanna say here is "Don't be easily give up to everything you do, just because the difficulties on it!"
If you are sure with the things you do, even if you like it, so go for it...! Think about the time you've enjoyed it, make it as a motivation to continue your effort... hehe...
Hidupku dulu bener2 mudah.. Selalu aja ada orang yang membantuku, my family, my friends, anyone...Yang akhirnya bener2 mmbuatku "manja" dan slalu "depended on others"..
Waktu ak memutuskan pindah ke Tangerang dah kuliah di sni, ntah knp rasanya smua masalah datang gak berhenti2... and i'm alone here... aku harus nghadapin smua sndiri.. Smua perubahan yang terjadi bener2 mempengaruhi segalanya.. Aku jadi lebih gampang nyerah, lebih gampang nangis.. Tiap kali ada masalah, aku langsung down. Bukannya coba cari jalan kluar, malah nangis dulu.... Gak tau deh udah brp kali nangis di sni..
Temen lamaku blg, waktu aku tanya ap kelebihanku, dia jawab : "gak gampang nyerah".... Kata-katanya bener2 membuatku mikir lagi semua yang telah ak alami dulu.. Dulu juga banyak masalah koq, tapi bedanya dulu ak gak gampang "dijatuhkan" sama yang namanya masalah. Secapek apapun itu, aku terus nyoba, gak lsg nyerah dan terima nasib kayak sekarang, walau dengan support dari semuanya...
I have to change right now! gak boleh selalu nangis dan mikir untuk give up.. Semuanya gak akan terselesaikan hanya dengan nangis dan nunggu bantuan aja.... Sendirian bukan berarti gak isa, aku harus nyoba lebih mandiri. Harus lebih berusaha in anything i do! Hidup itu gak semudah di cerita dongeng, gak semua jalan langsung tersedia gtu aja...Ada kalanya kita harus nglewati semak belukar dulu buat nemuin jalan yang bener....
Semangat!!! ^^
Author : len
A week of examinations have already done.... Now the only thing I can do is pray, pray for the result...
woahhh... i spend all day long looking for a new template....!!! but i haven't gotten the one i like yet.....
uhhh..... wish i can make one by myself..... *-* ... unfortunately, i know nothing about the web design etc....
So, now, i gotta use this template. don't you think it looks nice? : )
This is my first blog and my first post!!! The beginning of blogging world.... ^^
I haven't found the template i like >.< ... wanna design it by myself, but dunno how to do it... haha... maybe i gotta get a new one from the internet..