The Secret Of Me

find some little secret of me here.... =D This is the place where I wanna share my own experience, my own feelings, my own thoughts, and many more.. But I hope that you will be inspired by what I write. ^^ Enjoy~


Dancing will always be a part of my life! Whenever I listen to a nice song, seems like my whole body wanna move... But sometimes, I can't express it with anyone around. T.T ...

I enjoyed dancing since I was a kid... My dream used to be a ballerina, just like what all the little girls dream.. A dream that would never become true... T.T.. Well, but I have some dancing lessons during my childhood. I joined the cheerleader team on M&M club.. And because I was one of the smallest member, my position in the pyramid was always on top.. haha... And I have ever had some dance performance on wedding party...

But I stopped dancing for few years..Then, my sister joined the Rainbow Dance. But at that time, I was really enjoyed practicing Basketball so that I ignore her offer to join too. There were so many Basketball competition, and I thought I would have no time to do other activities, beside spending my time in a GOR ( and of course study!). 

But finally, i did join the Rainbow Dance last year, during my 3 months holiday. I had so many free time during that time, and i wanted to learn something. And looking my sister dance at my home make me feel like I miss something. Uhmmm anyway, Rainbow dance offer the dance perfomance for the wedding party. After a few times practiced, luckily, I got a job... ^^ 

Let me tell you more about the Rainbow.. The owner is Tante Lily... her husband, Om... (I forgot the name T.T ... I have a problem with my memory ahahaha)..  helps her to manage the club. They have a son and a daughter, Ko Rian and Bonita. Both of them are also the members of the club, but in different level. All the members in Rainbow are divided into 2 level... the kids and the teenager.. heheh... 
When I joined Rainbow, there are 7 members, including my sister, 4 girls, and 3 boys. But now, there are so many girls in the club.. hahaha.... 

I spent only a few time with them during that 3 months ( but in fact it's only 2 months ), but the my feeling towards them is more than just a friend, relative or else.. They are just like my new family...
Tante Lily would always give me a warm hug everytime I'll go back to Karawaci. 
Her husband give me a big smile everytime I come back..
Ko Rian always jokes around every practice. And if someone (merangkul) you or someone carry you from behind, then Ko Rian is the one who did it... I have ever walked, and suddenly my body move up... He carried me like a suitcase.. But actually he is so nice and kind. He is the oldest one. We are just like his brothers and sisters for him..
Bonita... She is still an elementary student. A very cheerful and lovely little girl.. 
Fallon, she was my classmate on elementary school. last 6 months, she quit from the club..
Grace.. my sister...
Grace W, my sister's close friend. She is a Korean freak. She remember many songs and the dance step on every songs. - -" (I wonder how can she remember all of it)
Chandra.. Just like Ko Rian, he always have a thousand joke which can make us laugh all the time... He did many mistake on every dance.. The simple move would be very complex if he dance it (but all of them are wrong wkwkwkk) ... He is the same age with me.. But he always call me " Ce El" - -"
Audrey... I don't know much about her, except that most of the members don't really like her. But she's nice to me... heheheh...
Franz, he is my sister's classmate. He's very very kind and respectful.. 

And some additional members...
Gracia Ayu, she would yelled my name and hug me when I go back there for a practice. 
Irene... I know her since little, because her older sister was my classmate.. We call her "Irene Meong"..but, I don't know why.. hehehe...
and many more.. 

They always ask me to go back practicing every time I am in Semarang. So, every holiday, I joined the dance session with all of them. Even I can't do the dance sometimes... T.T ... During the time when I am in Karawaci, they practice practiced a lot. And after i go back, they have learned so many dance...But I know, I can't just quit. Ko Rian always reminds me the practice schedule.. and if i didn't come, although they knew I was in Semarang, they would ask my sister, where was I...  I am not an expert, even I think I can't really follow the dance.. It's too much for me to remind all of the dance moves in just a few hours.. But I know, they consider me as a part of this family. ^^

I spent a few time going out together with the members. I also spent the last New Year Eve in Ko Rian's house... hehhehe... We had barbecue there.. enjoy the firework together.. Playing around in the field near the house, chasing each other.. playing cards together.. sleep together... And don't forget we also pray together. :) I really enjoy that time.. That was my first time spending my whole night on my friend's house.. and also my first time, celebrate the new year together...

Tomorrow I am going to left Semarang again... T.T...
Goodbye all... See you next holiday! I'll come back later... 


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