The Secret Of Me

find some little secret of me here.... =D This is the place where I wanna share my own experience, my own feelings, my own thoughts, and many more.. But I hope that you will be inspired by what I write. ^^ Enjoy~


Today, I have a very very unpleasant day. Early in the morning, I have already woken up at 6 AM and I felt very tired and sleepy. I just wanted to lie for a minute in my bed before I really got up. But then, I fallen asleep again! ...
Almost 2 hours later, I woke up again and was very very surprised. It has been almost 8 o'clock. I was still a little bit dizzy, and I remember something, "I would have a test today at 8.10 AM" ... OH NO! I took a bath in a hurry. And get ready in few minutes then hurry to campus... My friend called me and text me, he said that all the students had been come, left only me... Whoaaa.... I ran from the parking park to the third level of Building B, room 339, the class where the test would be hold. Luckily I wasn't late, the test had not been started yet. But unluckily, I didn't have time to review the materials.
And, I didn't eat this morning, and I felt very hungry and dizzy. I usually eat breakfast every day, at least I need to eat something before doing any activities.

Forgot to tell you, "Data communication and Computer Networking" was the subject for the test.

Test started....
First question.. When I read it, I got really confused. "What is this?" When I look at the "hexa" word, I begin to worry. "How can I convert this hexa number to the binary number?" Even I forgot how to convert the hexa to decimal base. Learning from my past exam, I had to move on, or I would spent time useless thinking only about this. I skip the first one, and read the secong one. Again, I didn't know how to find the rate in signal per bit if I knew the bit and the data transmission speed in baud (signal per bit)... I didn't even know the relation of the two, signal and bit...? I mean relation in the formula... OK, skip this too.
Then I chose to read the last question, number five. After reading for a while, I got puzzled. "Argh, just go back to the previous question!"  This time I read the third number. Because of the 3 confusing question, I lost my hope, and half of my mind was like saying "Can't, can't, You can't do this!" so that I couldn't concentrate thinking about the answer. I was going to leave the third number and continue to the fourth. But when I looked at the word "hexa", seem like impossible to do it now, I turned back to the third. And the idea of the solution just came up! Finally, i can answer a question. Happy? not yet, 4 question more to go. And honestly I wasn't one hundred percent sure about my answer of the third number.
I tried to remember the hexa-decimal conversion.. hexa, hexa, hexa.. okay then, I did the conversion with my own way, i thought it was right at the first time. I realized that it was wrong when i had half finished computing the result. I knew it was wrong, but what is the right one? Is hexa egual to six? or twelve? or...? skip this...!
Jumped to the fourth question, where hexa was mentioned again. This time I considered hexa as twelve. Done with the fourth, I did the last one. I didn't know whether my answer was right or not, i just wanted to finish this. I had only 10 / 15 minutes more. Number two left. Because of the limited time, I read only some part of the question, and skip the important "key" to solve it. I guessed the wrong answer.
A few minutes left to rethink the unsolved hexa-decimal conversion. The first and the fourth question should be easy if I knew how to convert this hexa based number to binary. how???
About a minute before the time out, i found the confusing conversion in my calculator... Graaa.... I should have known this from the beginning! uh uuuhhh....
Time's up!
Everything was a mistake...  T.T

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